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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Credit Card Use Tips And Suggestions

A credit card is an amazing financial product that can provide you with a lot of benefits if you use it properly. Unfortunately if used wrongly it can also produce much harm and damages. As you can see, as any other financial product, these are only an instrument for achieving certain goals. It is the actual use that you give to that instrument what will eventually produce benefits or damages to your credit and financial life. Following are some tips on how to use them smartly to avoid the drawbacks while taking advantage of the benefits they provide. Shop Around Before Signing AnythingDo not go for the first offer you receive. Actually do not apply for any credit card you are offered. Instead, shop for one that suits your needs and desires. Check the interest rates, the fees, the credit limits and other variables you are interested in before agreeing on any product. Keep Your Balance Within Reasonable LevelsNever max out your accounts, it is important to follow this tip because by ignoring it you may end up buried deep in debt due to the accumulating interests. You may wonder what a reasonable level is. Anything below 60% of the credit limit is optimum. Anything reaching the 80% becomes risky and requires immediate attention. Control Your PurchasesYou should keep all the receipts for two reasons: It will help you compare the balance with the purchases to make sure that no unauthorized transactions are registered and it will also help you objectively analyze your purchasing behavior to see if you overspend or exceed the number and quality of purchases that you planned to make. Protect Your Personal InfoYour personal information should be sacred. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous people out there preying on those who need financing and apply for or use these products. Therefore, you should try to keep your personal information from being exposed and thus, you should avoid sharing your credit card number and code with merchants whose security levels you have not confirmed. Try Not To Pay Only The Minimum PaymentThis would lead you to debt accumulation and conspire against financial and credit health. Instead, try always to pay the whole balance and if you are forced to pay less than that, make sure that you pay higher sums whenever possible. Also, if you see that you are currently not being able to afford the payments, immediately reduce your spending. If you cannot increase the amounts you destine to reduce debt, this is the only other way to keep it at bay. Do Not Keep Too Many Credit CardsIt is best if you do not keep too many open accounts because this jeopardizes your finances adding available credit to your credit report and if the lines of credit are maxed out, the situation will be even worse. A reasonable number of cards will depend on your income but for average earnings two credit cards are more than enough. However, remember not to close accounts altogether because this can damage your credit too. Try to keep old accounts (they provide you with a longer credit history) and close only one account at a time (every 6 months) if you have too many of them.
About the author:Amanda Hash is an expert financial consultant who specializes in helping people to recover their credit and get approved for home loans, car loans, personal unsecured loans, unsecured credit cards, refinance home loans, consolidation loans, student loans and other financial products. If you want to learn more on how to get approved for Private Consolidation and Unsecured Debt Loans just visit Article Source:

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